
Hello! I am a bookworm living near Philadelphia Pa

My Latest Posts

  • Good Omens
    So I know I’m my last post I said I would be doing a two part post about H.H. Holmes, however after I finished the first book I went to the book store and I purchased a book and started reading it right away and here we are. So besides reading I love watching streamingContinue reading “Good Omens”
  • Self Portrait of a Serial Killer
    I think it’s fair to say in the U.S. we have become obsessed with serial killers and honestly I’m no different. When my niece spends the night we stay up till two in the morning watching documentaries about serial killers. Recently my local library had an event where an author spoke his name is MattContinue reading “Self Portrait of a Serial Killer”
  • The Watchers
    I love a good M Night Shyamalan movie I can’t lie. So when I was on a date with. My boyfriend and a preview for a new movie he produced came up I knew I had to see it, the added bonus was its based off a book. A few weeks later I was goingContinue reading “The Watchers”
  • Paris Hilton
    When you think of the 2000’s what comes to mind? Flip phones, von Dutch trucker hats, and at least for me Paris Hilton. She was the it girl of the time. She was everywhere in the 2000’s so of course when she came out with her second book (her first being confessions of an heiressContinue reading “Paris Hilton”
  • The Man
    Most of my childhood memories are centered around having to do with my brothers, kinda hard not to since they were my baby sitters, and my entertainment growing up. One great thing about having two older brothers who had an age gap, Christopher is ten years older then me and Kevin is seven years olderContinue reading “The Man”
  • The fourth wing
    Set at Basgiath War College in the fictional country of Navarre, the novel follows twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail. Having trained her whole life to become a scribe – members of the college responsible for documenting history – she expects to enter the school’s Scribe Quadrant. However, her mother, a general and the commander of the college,Continue reading “The fourth wing”
  • Counting the Cost
    If I admit to having one guilty pleasure it’s that of reality tv, My mom and I call Sunday’s “train wreck Sunday” because we watch 90 day fiancé and sister wives. When I had COVID three years ago we even FaceTimed on Sunday’s when I was in the hospital to watch 90 day and SisterContinue reading “Counting the Cost”
  • I hate math period
    So like most kids I had that one subject that just absolutely sucked the big one, in my case it was two math and science. I struggled all through school with these two subjects and even though I had an IEP or individual education plan and was in “easier” math and science classes it wasContinue reading “I hate math period”
  • The Big Bang theory
    So by far my absolute favorite tv show of all time is The Big Bang Theory. I own every season of the show on dvd. It all started when I would catch reruns on TBS waiting for my mom to get home from work and I became obsessed pretty quick. For Christmas I got TheContinue reading “The Big Bang theory”
  • Doc:The life of Roy Halladay
    So the Philadelphia Phillies didn’t make it to the World Series this year, I’m devastated. But I’m still a diehard fan of the Phillies always have been always will be. Most people who meet me are surprised to hear I’m a fan of a lot of sports I’m not sure why. Maybe it because peopleContinue reading “Doc:The life of Roy Halladay”