The Watchers

I love a good M Night Shyamalan movie I can’t lie. So when I was on a date with. My boyfriend and a preview for a new movie he produced came up I knew I had to see it, the added bonus was its based off a book. A few weeks later I was going on vacation and my boyfriend surprised me with the book the movie was based off of, this is a blog about that movie and it’s called The Watchers.

Taking place in Ireland the book first introduces Mina an artist who is being paid to transport a something valuable for a friend. During her journey Mina’s car breaks down and she ventures into the woods. She finds herself at a cabin referred to as the coop and within good time because soon ear splitting shrieks begin to break the silence of the forest. Inside the coop Mina meets Three existing captives Madeline,Ciara and Daniel who have been trapped for. Months, even years. Will they escape with Mina’s help or are they doomed to whatever shrieks in the night?

I have to say I loved this book it did start out slow like the first five chapters however after that it was pretty easy to get into. I couldn’t put it down as a matter of fact. I can’t wait to see the movie in the next couple of months and added bonus there is a sequel to this book called Stay in the light.

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