Self Portrait of a Serial Killer

I think it’s fair to say in the U.S. we have become obsessed with serial killers and honestly I’m no different. When my niece spends the night we stay up till two in the morning watching documentaries about serial killers. Recently my local library had an event where an author spoke his name is Matt Lake. It was a fascinating lecture and his topic? Herman W. Mudgett, don’t recognize the name? Maybe you would recognize his alias H.H. Holmes. You know the one that built a hotel in Chicago during the 1893 world’s fair. However Mr. Lake’s lecture begs the question did everything happen as we thought it did? Or was Mudgett’s entire life grossly exaggerated? Honestly I began to question everything I knew of Holmes which admittedly wasn’t a whole lot I was more interested in the killers of the 70’s but after this presentation my interest was peeked and luckily for me he was selling books. So this blog will be sort of a two parter, this blog the one you’re reading right now will be about the book H.H. Holmes himself wrote, that’s right the killer himself wrote a book before his death. The second part of this blog the post yet to even be written will be about Matt. Lake’s book on the subject of H.H. Holmes and all his misdeeds, lies, death and everything in between. So let’s get started shall we?

Herman W. Mudgett was born in 1861, his life was pretty ordinary and not very extrodinary at all. At the age of nineteen he was ready to enter Dartmouth College however instead of doing so he went to medical school at The University of Vermont for one year and after that he attended a larger college in Ann Arbor Michigan. After college is when his first crime occurs him and a college friend talked during their college days as a last resort if medical practice proved to be a failure here’s how they planned to make their fortune. At some future date a man his friend knew and could trust who carried a large life insurance was to increase the same so the total amount carried would be $40,000 and as he was a man of moderate circumstances he was to have it understood that some sudden danger he had to escaped ( a runaway accident) had impelled him more fully protect his family in the future. Later he should become addicted to drink, and while temporarily insane from its use should as it would appear afterwords, kill his wife and child.

In 1888 Mudgett needed some extra carpenters, enter Benjamin F. Pitezel a tall, thin, muscular man whom had a large family and begged Mudgett for work. Mudgett Described Pitezel as a dreamer he would often find him with a set of figures and a diagram illustrating their use. So he had him work by contract instead by day. According to Mudgett, Pitezel was forced to leave Kansas due to some legal issues with a bank he had given a worthless mortgage to secure a loan in money.

In 1890 Mudgett added a jewelry store to his business and had placed Julius L. Connor in charge of that and his drug business, his wife Julia Connor often assisted him as cashier. On January 1 1892, Julia informed Mudgett and several others that was going away. She at the time gave her destination as Iowa, this was to mislead her husband who she feared was going to take her daughter away.

On January 1, 1893 He meets Minnie R. Williams at the Intelligence office of Mr. William Campbell, who had engaged to provide her with a position as a stenographer. During the spring of 1893 Mudgett was busier then ever according to him, he was preparing a building to rent to prospective tenants, who would use the entire five stories and forty rooms, at a good rental, he planned to have it ready for the World’s fair. Mrs. Williams Occupied a room in the same building from the 1st of March to the 5th of May 1893 adjoining his office. At some point Minnie loans him $2,500 to use until she should need it. He returned the money May 10 1893. Its then that she expressed a wish to convert her southern property into either cash or improved northern property.

This is just the tip of the iceberg into H.H. Holmes story to find out more read this book I absolutely loved it and can’t wait to go down a rabbit hole.

Paris Hilton

When you think of the 2000’s what comes to mind? Flip phones, von Dutch trucker hats, and at least for me Paris Hilton. She was the it girl of the time. She was everywhere in the 2000’s so of course when she came out with her second book (her first being confessions of an heiress in 2004) I had to get it and lucky for me I had a credit to use on audible.

So to start off the book Paris first starts the book with a history lesson in the Hilton family, for those who aren’t familiar Conrad Hilton was an American businessman who founded the Hilton Hotels chain. From 1912 to 1916, Hilton was a Republican representative in the first New Mexico Legislature, but became disillusioned with the “inside deals” of politics. In 1919, he purchased his first hotel, the Mobley Hotelin Cisco, Texas, for $40,000, and subsequently capitalized on the oil boom. The rooms were rented out in eight-hour shifts. He continued to buy and sell hotels, and eventually established the world’s first international hotel chain. When he died in 1979, he left the bulk of his estate to the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.

After that little history lesson Paris talks about her childhood she is the oldest of Kathy and Richard Hilton, she talks about her grandmother and how once she started to cause trouble she was sent to her grandmothers in California. She talks about feeling isolated from her family because of living with her grandmother at the time. She also discusses how she was kicked out of multiple schools for her crazy behavior and how a teacher groomed her and she almost ran away with him. She talks at length about the alternative school her parents sent her to where during the night two men kidnapped her and took her to Utah and she spent her teen years there, she describes being stripped searched and abused physically and mentally at this program. Paris details her many attempts at running away from the program and how she could never trust her family because they would always send her back no matter how much pleading she did.

After she finally left the treatment programs she discusses the simple life a short lived reality tv show with best friend Nichole Ritchie. She talks about how she believes had the sex tape never been released at the same time the show would have been more successful. And yes she talks about the sex tape that was released as a result of a jilted lover.

Personally I loved this book immensely happy that Paris was able to pull out of her wild girl party years and become a successful brand and have the life she wanted she has two beautiful children and a happy marriage and in the end isn’t that what everyone wants?

The Man

Most of my childhood memories are centered around having to do with my brothers, kinda hard not to since they were my baby sitters, and my entertainment growing up. One great thing about having two older brothers who had an age gap, Christopher is ten years older then me and Kevin is seven years older then me and they are only 3 years apart, can you say unplanned pregnancy? Anyway both my brothers had summer birthdays July and August so growing up my mom would get a wrestling PayPerView for them and their friends since they literally had the same friend group cuz u know three years ago gap? They only downer was that was the age of bra and panties matches so i would have to cover my eyes. When my cousin from Delaware would come visit we would have tag team matches in our basement me and one of my brothers and my cousin and one of the other brothers, full disclosure we fought over who got Chris as a partner cuz he was older and bigger. Also full disclosure my brothers would have wrestling matches in the basement while watching raw and smackdown every week and I was a brat and would tattle on them 🤷‍♀️. My mom always told Chris he needed to stop picking on Kevin that he would be bigger then him some day and would get his revenge, that day came when I was five almost six years old just as I was getting ready to tattle on them Kevin picked Chris up and slammed him into our basement couch it was the most amazing thing I’d ever seen, it was also the day I became Chris’s main target for teasing and pranks since he knew Kevin could kick his ass.

When I heard Becky Lynch was writing a book I was stoked! I have to admit she’s one of my favorites I’ve been watching her since her debut on NXT. So thanks to my mom’s Barnes and Noble membership I ordered it asap. So here is my take on The Man’s story.

I’m not just saying this cuz I liked Becky and I’m a fan but this was a great book. I can one hundred percent relate to her tagging with her older brother in her youth, she doesn’t sugar coat anything in this book from how she flat out lied to her mom about going to wrestling school, to again lying to her mom about college cuz her mom was absolutely against her wrestling and of course one thing most of not all children can relate to, making their parents proud Becky of course mentions her struggles in this department she was wild child smoking and drinking under age but she discovered wrestling and with that a passion, but with passion comes sacrifice and she doesn’t shy away from talking about her sacrifices either. And there are many familiar names Becky meets early in her career in Ireland including Fergal Devitt aka Finn Balor, who broke her heart and Natalya Neidhart. She talks about her relationship with Seth Freakin Rollins and her insane rise to fame.

Don’t get me wrong I love hearing about the men and how they came up into the business (totally check out Bryan Danielson’s book by the way) but it’s refreshing to hear a women’s perspective on the industry because let’s face it it’s harder for women no matter what the chosen career path is. Are you a wrestling fan? Who’s your favorite?

Counting the Cost

If I admit to having one guilty pleasure it’s that of reality tv, My mom and I call Sunday’s “train wreck Sunday” because we watch 90 day fiancé and sister wives. When I had COVID three years ago we even FaceTimed on Sunday’s when I was in the hospital to watch 90 day and Sister Wives. One of my lesser known loved reality tv shows was 19 kids and counting, I remember even watching the documentary series that started the whole phenomenon. So when I found out that the daughter Jill wrote a book I knew I had to read/listen to it. And now finally MONTHS later I finally got to listen to it.

Let me start off by saying I have no nor do I intend to read any of the previous books released by the parents during the high points of the families fame. Also full disclosure I was raised Catholic but am not a currently practicing Catholic, I went to church for the first time in god knows how long over Christmas for my grandmothers funeral.

That being said I was ready for whatever Jill had to say and boy did she have a lot to say! She didn’t hold back in this book, if you watched the documentary on Amazon prime you got the gist of the book but the even bigger theme of this book that wasn’t in the documentary was the thousands of dollars that the father Jim bob stole from his kids his own flesh and blood. Jill didn’t hold back in saying he’s essentially a douche bag ( my words not hers but still) and when discussing her brother Josh and his issues she literally calls him a monster.

Over all I loved the book it was an easy read in the sense it was only 9 chapters but it was hard to listen to knowing it was her own father who put her and her siblings through all of this, and their mother sat obediently by his side while he did it.

Doc:The life of Roy Halladay

So the Philadelphia Phillies didn’t make it to the World Series this year, I’m devastated. But I’m still a diehard fan of the Phillies always have been always will be. Most people who meet me are surprised to hear I’m a fan of a lot of sports I’m not sure why. Maybe it because people assume that because I’m handicapped they assume I’m not interested in something I can’t participate in but that’s not the case I was raised around Philadelphia sports, my moms sisters and my mom are all fans of the Phillies and watched them growing up. My oldest brother is literally the biggest Philadelphia Eagles fan that I know, and my brother Kevin is a hockey fan cheering on the Flyers. I have other big Philadelphia sports fans in my life but these are the people who I credit with my love of Philly sports. I have to admit I don’t totally understand football I’m working on that currently, but baseball I love it probably cuz I went to Delaware a lot growing up and saw my cousin play from t-ball all the way up till he was in high school.

If you ask me my favorite hall of famers from the Phillies Roy “Doc” Halladay is definitely in there. I’ll never forget watching him pitch in the World Series mostly because my senior year so it was quite a year.

Harry Leroy “Roy” Halladay III was born in Denver Colorado. His father Harry Leroy II was a pilot for a food processing company, his mother Linda was a homemaker. His father took him out in planes at a young age and Roy loved it. From an early age, Halladay also loved baseball, trying every position on the field until, by age 14, his success on the pitcher’s mound attracted the attention of major league scouts. By the age of 13, he had begun training with Colorado baseball guru Bus Campbell, who had helped almost every promising pitcher from the Denver area.

His wife Brandy talks about the first time she met Roy, they knew each other as kids and moved away from the area for a time. Later she moved back and saw Roy at a gym working out he asked her on a date that night and the rest was history. They went on to have two children together, Braden and Ryan. Their oldest son Braden committed to Penn State shortly after his fathers death.

From 1998 to 2009 he played for the Toronto blue jays. In his second career start he would be the third no hitter ever pitched on the final day of the regular season. The feat would have joined the combined no-hitter by four Oakland Athleticspitchers (Vida Blue, Glenn Abbott, Paul Lindblad, and Rollie Fingers) in 1975 and Mike Witt’s perfect game in 1984. During the 2000 season, Halladay sported a 10.64 earned run average (ERA) in 19 games, 13 of which he started making his 2000 season the worst in history for any pitcher with at least fifty innings pitched.At the beginning of the 2001 season, Halladay was optioned to Class-A Dunedin to rebuild his delivery. Halladay’s fastball was clocked up to 95 mph (153 km/h), but it had little movement, and his pitches were up in the strike zone, which was ultimately the reason why his 2000 season was so unsuccessful.

On December 15, 2009, the Blue Jays traded Halladay to the Philadelphia Phillies for minor league prospects Travis d’Arnaud, Kyle Drabek, and Michael Taylor.He agreed to a contract extension worth US$60 million that included a US$20 million vesting option for a fourth season. Phillies general manager Ruben Amaro, Jr. had unsuccessfully attempted to get Halladay at the non-waiver trade deadline in July 2009, then traded for Cliff Leeinstead. Three hours before Halladay signed the contract extension, Amaro traded away Lee, to the surprise of Halladay who thought that Lee would be his teammate.

On December 9, 2013, Halladay signed a ceremonial one-day contract with the Blue Jays and announced his retirement from baseball due to injury. At his press conference, Halladay listed a persistent back injury, as well as wanting to be more involved with his family, as his reasons for retiring.

Although retired as a player, Halladay continued to be a part of the game as a guest instructor for the Philadelphia Phillies and Toronto Blue Jays. The Phillies hired Halladay as a “mental skills coach” in March 2017. Halladay also volunteered as a baseball coach at Calvary Christian High School in Clearwater, Florida where his oldest son played baseball.

On November 7, 2017, Halladay died when the ICON A5 Founders Edition amphibious aircraft he was piloting crashed into the Gulf of Mexico. The Pasco County, Florida, Sheriff’s Office confirmed that Halladay was the only occupant of the aircraft at the time of the crash and that air traffic controllers had not received any mayday distress signals from the plane before the crash. The crash was reported to have happened about 0.25 mi (0.40 km) off the coast of New Port Richey, Florida, in water 4 feet (1.22 m) deep.

The Pasco Sheriff’s Office Marine Unit responded to the accident after a call at noon, reporting that a sport plane had crashed upside-down into shallow water. The plane was reported to be Halladay’s, and he had tweeted four weeks earlier about his excitement about acquiring the plane, which was reportedly registered in the name of Halladay’s father, a retired commercial pilot.

An autopsy report by the Pinellas-Pasco Medical Examiner’s Office released in January 2018 revealed that Halladay’s blood contained morphine, hydromorphone, amphetamine, fluoxetine (an antidepressant), baclofen (a muscle relaxant), and zolpidem (a sleep aid sold under the brand name Ambien). According to forensic pathologist Burr Hartman, “He had a drug combination similar to a speedball. He was impaired by these drugs. It was definitely not safe for him to fly an airplane.” On April 15, 2020, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) released a report stating that in addition to the drugs, Halladay was executing aerobatics including steep climbs and turns, and the plane sometimes came within 5 feet (1.5 m) of the water before a final climb caused its speed to fall to 85 mph (137 km/h), after which it nosedived into the sea and Halladay was killed by blunt force traumaand drowning. The NTSB determined the probable cause of the crash to be the “pilot’s improper decision to perform aggressive, low-altitude maneuvers due to his impairment from the use of multiple psychoactive substances, which resulted in a loss of control”.

Halladay and his wife, Brandy, appeared in a since-removed promotional video for the aircraft with her stating her strong objections to him buying the plane.

In late 2017, the Phillies announced that use of uniform number 34 would be suspended for the 2018 season to honor Halladay.On February 12, 2018, the Toronto Blue Jays announced they would retire Halladay’s number 32 on Opening Day of the 2018 season. On August 8, 2021, the Philadelphia Phillies retired Halladay’s number 34.

On March 2, 2019, Phillies free agent acquisition Bryce Harper, who wore uniform number 34 from his debut with the Washington Nationals in 2012, announced that he would not wear the number 34 as a member of the Phillies, stating that “Roy Halladay should be the last one to wear it” for the Phillies. Harper chose to wear number 3 instead.

On February 4, 2020, the Phillies announced they would retire Halladay’s number 34 on May 29, 2020, the 10th anniversary of his perfect game. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the number retirement was postponed. The Phillies retired Halladay’s number on August 8, 2021. His former teammates Carlos Ruiz and Raul Ibanez were in attendance, as well as Hall of Fame player Steve Carlton.

On May 14, 2021, on what would’ve been Halladay’s 44th birthday, Jays Care Foundation announced the naming of Toronto’s first accessible baseball diamond as Roy Halladay Field. Located at Highview Park in the Birch Cliff neighborhood of Scarborough, Roy Halladay Field will be used by athletes in Jays Care’s Challenger Baseball program – an adaptive baseball program for Canadian kids living with cognitive and/or physical disabilities.

The Radium Girls

I was really excited to see this was actually a book. My first introduction to this story was in the form of the show Mysteries at the Museum on the travel channel. I’m a sucker for anything based in fact and history so I found out there was also a movie that my mom and I watched it was there I learned of the book so I got it on audible. The book is written by Kate Moore.

Well into the 1920s, the dangers of radium were not known to the public, although some executives and scientists in the industry were increasingly aware and protected themselves in the factories where the women worked. Especially deadly to the dial-painters, they were instructed to point (lick) their paintbrush tips while painting the numbers on the dials. They were not warned about dangers and did not suspect problems until they began to suffer severe symptoms, including anemia, radium jaw (deterioration of their jaw bones), and deadly cancerous tumors.

Five sickened former dial-painters in New Jersey sued the U.S. Radium Corporation beginning in 1927, but their case was hampered by a two-year statute of limitations. After the women testified in January and April 1928, the U.S. Radium Corporation was granted an adjournment until September. The delay provoked a backlash of newspaper criticism.On June 4, 1928, the New Jersey women accepted an out-of-court settlement.

I absolutely loved this book! It’s not terribly long I had it on audible so I was able to listen to it in a day. It runs 15 hours long on audible I’ve listened to longer. It’s a great book if your interested in history.

Spears v. Spears part 2

Britney’s book starts off the same as Jamie Lynn’s she speaks of her parents families and her fathers drinking. That’s one thing both books can agree on her father was a drunk. Britney speaks on her relationship with her brother Brian whom she says she was very close with. She speaks of her close with her relationship with her mother and the effect her fathers drinking had on her mother and on herself. She talks about her early years of talent shows and auditioning for Mickey Mouse club the first time and not making the cut. She was an understudy in an off Broadway show and speaks of the years living in New York. then she auditioned a second time for Mickey Mouse club and in the mean time she played basketball. She shared a dressing room with Christina aguilera. She talks about a family member passing away and not having the money to go home and Justine Timberlake’s mother loaned them the money to go home. She speaks of drinking with her mom when she was 12, but how it was “different” then when her dad drank.

She later talks about auditioning for Jive records and how she wasn’t nervous but probably should have been. She was 15 when she signed a record deal. She spoke about meeting max Martin for the first time. she spoke about going to Sweden to record and how she basically lived in the studio booth. Did you know Britney came up with the video of her first single? The original video was suppose to be futuristic and space themed. She spoke about meeting back up with Justine and how madly in love she was in with him. She talked about running into celebrities in the early years like Steven Tyler, Madonna and Mariah Carey. Around that time she started to take Prozac. She talks about the VMA’s and performing I’m a slave for you with the snake and how terrified she was. She speaks about Crossroads the movie she did in 2001,She criticized herself for taking the role to seriously. She even auditioned for the Notebook but was glad in the end she didn’t get the role. She was approached to do Chicago, she criticized herself again for not doing it and not taking more risks at that time with her career. Soon she talks about Justine and how he cheated on her. She confesses she cheated on him with her choreographer wade Robinson. She discusses getting pregnant with Justin’s baby and having an abortion, she leaves very little to the imagination when she talks about the abortion. She talks about the devastation of Justine breaking up with her via text message. Unlike Jamie Lynn’s book Britney threw Jamie Lynn under a bus talking about going home after the breakup and how she was a bitch and ungrateful for everything Britney had done for the family. She talks about cry me a river coming out and the shame she felt and the double standard of women cheating on men was seen as one way but men who cheated on women was celebrated. She talks about not feeling shame for Justine talking about their sexual relationship. She talks about setting eyes on Colin Farrell, and the whirlwind romance. She discussed at length the influence Madonna had on her.

She talks about the Diane Sawyer and how humiliating it was. She talks about going to Vegas and hanging out with Paris Hilton and innocently just having. She talks about getting married at the little white chapel again the words innocent fun was thrown around, that marriage last 55 hours. Later in the book she talks about meeting Kevin Federline, she talks about needing to live up to expectations of the world but not needing those expectations with Kevin. She discusses finding out he had kids with an ex girlfriend. she proposed and he said no then proposed to her. She talks about hating the Femme Fatale tour literally everything about it. She marries Kevin and at this time she learns to say “no” she fired her management team and was excited to start a family. She talks about yelling at an actress who her sister claims was causing issues on the set of zoey 101 both books mention the incident, draw your own conclusions. She talks about the early years of being a mom to Sean Preston and pregnant with her second son and the trauma of being in the public eye with children. She talks about how money and fame went to Kevin’s head. She admits to having prenatal depression. She talks about Gimme More and how tacky it was and she wasn’t proud of it. She talks about the rush of making the blackout album and how proud she was of the work of that album. She talks about how Paris Hilton was there for her when she divorced Kevin. She admits other then alcohol adderall was the only drug she was into. She talks about the infamous night with Paris and Lindsay. She admits from suffering from postpartum depression. She talks about Kevin keeping the boys from her and after weeks she went to his house to see the boys, later that day she went to a salon and shaved her head she says it was her way of saying fuck you to the world. Overall listening to her words about the invasiveness of the press makes me feel for Britney they feel like they had a right to her and that she doesn’t deserve privacy. She talks about entering rehab even tho she claims she didn’t have a substance problem. She also talks about the infamous VMA performance promoting blackout album where she ran into Justin before the show, and sobbed in the dressing room afterwards. She talks about the conservatorship where she had two conservatorships one of the person (Britney) and one over her estate. She learned her dad owned thousands of dollars in debt at the time. She talks about her mother writing a book about her crazy ass family, and her mother profited off her name and image. She talks about being considered to sick to make choices for herself but healthy enough to make an album and promote it. She talks about not having it in her to fight back against her family anymore. She claims she played by the rules simply for her kids. Her father literally became a millionaire with Britney under a conservatorship. She talks about the Vegas residency and how the guy she was seeing got her into supplements and her dad didn’t like that so he sent her to rehab. She talks about the control he had over her body and how over the years people felt like they had some kinda right to her body.

After her Vegas show ended her dad had a cognitive test done that her dad said she failed. She was forced into a hospital program. Her kids where a pawn in her dad’s scheme to control her if she didn’t do what she was told she wasn’t allowed to see her kids, also she was put on lithium. she was at the treatment center for two months, then she was moved to another facility run by the same people, it was there at the hospital she learned of the free Britney movement. She talks about calling 911 to report conservatorship abuse on her father.

So there you have it both Spears books in review and their views on somewhat similar situations. I honestly have a lot to digest I’m still a fan of both Britney and Jamie Lynn, I don’t blame Jamie Lynn for the situation with Britney because I believe she was scared of her father and felt she had to play nice with her father to not end up in the same situation as her sister. I blame a lot of the turmoil on their parents specifically her father.

Spears v. Spears part 1

Growing up I was all about boy bands and the pop princesses of the day, that includes Britney Spears one of my best memories was when I was about 12 or so my brother Kevin got me a Britney Spears in concert VHS tape for Christmas he would go on the regret the gift because I literally watched it several times a day every day for years. I grew up watching all the drama Britney and her family went through play out on tv and in the magazines so when Jamie Lynn her sister published a book of course I got it, and of course once I got wind of Britney’s book I preordered it so fast I think smoke came out of my fingers. So in this blog post I will be discussing both books and leaving it up to you to decide what to believe.

First up is Jamie Lynn’s book. The first three chapters are standard background type information on her family and her upbringing her siblings being much older then her she points out she was unplanned, she also goes on to point out her dad had a vasectomy. The first few chapters she mentions quiet often her dads drinking problem and how it put a strain on her parents relationship until their divorce in the 2000’s. Through out the book Jamie Lynn also mentions her sister Britney’s on going struggles in the public eye but never once mentions mental health or anything along those lines. She discussed the Justin/Britney breakup and how difficult it was on Britney and also on her stating it was an example of what a relationship should look like. She discussed finding out about being pregnant with her daughter and how contrary to popular belief wasn’t the reason her show Zoey 101 ended. She discloses the struggle of staying in a relationship with her daughters father while he was running around and partying and the day she finally decided for her safety and the safety of her child she left. She speaks of the conservatorship by saying that one of the requirements was Britney stay sober and regularly got drug tested and as a way of being accountable her father Jamie drug tested along with Britney. She talks about her mental health and the steps she took to take care of herself including therapy, her diagnosis of OCD,anxiety and depression helped her move forward in her life. Over all this was a great book it doesn’t throw her sister under the bus like so many speculated she would she stuck to her life and what her experiences where in the public eye she mentions her sister and the family drama but doesn’t dwell on it. Check back tomorrow when I post about Britney’s book

Sir Elton John

So aside from my love of books and my love of Disney my other love is music. I recently acquired my parents vinyl collections and started adding to it. I have everything from Jimmie Hendrix to The Sound Of Music soundtrack. One of my fondest memories is of my mom cleaning while listening to records when I was a kid.

One of my moms favorite artist and mine is Sir Elton John so we were both thrilled when he wrote a book. Naturally she purchased a physical copy and I got the audible version. The audible version is read by actor Taron Egerton who played Sir Elton John in the movie Rocket Man. I’m also a fan of his work so I was pleased he was doing it.

Sir Elton John talks about his early years of going to clubs to play shows, getting a job to support his spending habit even at a young age, he talks about hiding from Andy Warhol with John Lennon while on cocaine binge. He also talks about being rapper Eminem’s AA sponsor. Over all this book is exactly what I expected from the great Sir Elton John I laughed I cried and everything in between I wish I could read it for the first time all over again.