Good Omens

So I know I’m my last post I said I would be doing a two part post about H.H. Holmes, however after I finished the first book I went to the book store and I purchased a book and started reading it right away and here we are.

So besides reading I love watching streaming shows seldomly do I watch cable tv. A few months back someone suggested Good Omens and I have to admit I loved it! Imagine my excitement when I found out it was based on a book! So for those who don’t know Good Omens is written by the authors Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Neil Gaiman might be a name some of you recognize he wrote such books as Coraline, and The Sandman series both of which where adapted one into a movie and the other a series on Netflix (I highly recommend both).

Michael Sheen as Aziraphale and David Tennant as Crowley

The book is a comedy about the birth of the son of Satan and the coming of the End Times. There are attempts by the angel Aziraphale and the demon Crowley to sabotage the coming of the end times, having grown accustomed to their comfortable surroundings in England. At its core, Good Omens strikes a masterful balance between comedic moments and insightful commentary on human nature. It sends a message that people are not wholly one thing or another – that they’re often somewhere in the middle. It’s that diversity that makes humanity so strange and wonderful.

I absolutely adore this book. I grew up Catholic, even though I no longer attend church I appreciate the symbolism in the book and love the humor of the story it doesn’t make fun of religion like others have in the past (ie Book of Mormon) but it explains that the original sin, and the influence of evil on the actions of man in the most simplified way: the disobedience of the will of God. These are themes that come into play in Good Omens as well.

All in all I would recommend both show and book when it comes to Good Omens which fyi doesn’t happen often.

Counting the Cost

If I admit to having one guilty pleasure it’s that of reality tv, My mom and I call Sunday’s “train wreck Sunday” because we watch 90 day fiancé and sister wives. When I had COVID three years ago we even FaceTimed on Sunday’s when I was in the hospital to watch 90 day and Sister Wives. One of my lesser known loved reality tv shows was 19 kids and counting, I remember even watching the documentary series that started the whole phenomenon. So when I found out that the daughter Jill wrote a book I knew I had to read/listen to it. And now finally MONTHS later I finally got to listen to it.

Let me start off by saying I have no nor do I intend to read any of the previous books released by the parents during the high points of the families fame. Also full disclosure I was raised Catholic but am not a currently practicing Catholic, I went to church for the first time in god knows how long over Christmas for my grandmothers funeral.

That being said I was ready for whatever Jill had to say and boy did she have a lot to say! She didn’t hold back in this book, if you watched the documentary on Amazon prime you got the gist of the book but the even bigger theme of this book that wasn’t in the documentary was the thousands of dollars that the father Jim bob stole from his kids his own flesh and blood. Jill didn’t hold back in saying he’s essentially a douche bag ( my words not hers but still) and when discussing her brother Josh and his issues she literally calls him a monster.

Over all I loved the book it was an easy read in the sense it was only 9 chapters but it was hard to listen to knowing it was her own father who put her and her siblings through all of this, and their mother sat obediently by his side while he did it.