The Big Bang theory

So by far my absolute favorite tv show of all time is The Big Bang Theory. I own every season of the show on dvd. It all started when I would catch reruns on TBS waiting for my mom to get home from work and I became obsessed pretty quick. For Christmas I got The Big Bang Theory: The definitive, inside story of the epic hit series by Jessica Radloff.

This book is a must for any Big Bang Theory fan it has interviews conducted by everyone involved with the show not just the actors but producers, writers, guest stars and so many more!

Originally Kevin Sussman (Stewart) tried out for Leonard as did Macaulay Culkin. Johnny Galecki turned down the roll five times. Marisa Tomei was considered from the roll of Katie, the name would eventually be changed to Penny. The theme song was “She blinded me with science” before the bare naked ladies agreed to do it.

Over all this book is amazing tons of behind the scenes photos and info I never heard about anywhere! I definitely recommend this book for any fan of the show.

Side note: sorry this is such a blog a lot has happened in my personal life recently and it’s been hard to focus and get any real reading done.